Add new members to Gyazo Teams

Add new members to Gyazo Teams

Note: A separate teams account and application are required to use Gyazo Teams.

How to add members to your team

1. From the Get started page( ), click "Click here to add people to your team" link or visit

2. Enter the email address of people you would like to add. In the email they receive there will be a link where they can register.
If you would like to use single sign-on (SSO login) then on the settings page select that option. Members can then log-in using their existing Google SSO credentials without a direct invite from you.
Share the link and they will be able to log-in and create an account for your team

3. On the Members page you can change the role of team members from user to admin if you want to give them control of the settings / admin panel and the ability to change privacy, billing, and other settings.
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