Set the publication range of the image

Set the publication range of the image

You can change the publication range for that capture on the individual image page.

Anyone with the link
Set as default.
Anyone who knows the link to the image can view this image.

Password protected
You can set password lock captures.
This feature is only for Gyazo Pro or Gyazo Teams users.

Only me
Only you can view the images.
Other people cannot view the images, even if they know the link.
This feature is only for Gyazo Pro or Gyazo Teams users.

How to change the publication range of multiple images at once
At captures page, select the image(s) you wish to change the publication range for.
Click "Visible to only me".

Images whose publication range has been changed to only you will be marked as follows.

You can also change the publication range at once by selecting multiple captures at once.
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