Subtitle and summarize Gyazo Videos

Subtitle and summarize Gyazo Videos

You can use AI to generate subtitles, summary, and a plain text transcript for any Gyazo Video with speaking that you've uploaded.

How to generate a transcript, summary, and subtitles

1. Go to a Gyazo Video you have uploaded.
2. Scroll down below the video and click the Generate transcript button
3. Wait a short time and the result will be displayed in the same area. Subtitles will be added.
4. Click the time stamps in the summary to jump to a specific section of the video or Click Show transcript for plain text.

Example of a video summary:

Example of plain text transcript

Notes: This feature is only available in Gyazo Pro and Gyazo Teams. You can use it with up to 10 new videos per month at this time. Some languages may not be supported.
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